GARY H. ROSENBERG, P. O. Box 91856, Tucson, Arizona 85752-1856
This is the fourth report of the Arizona Bird Committee (hereafter ABC) (see Speich and Parker 1973, Speich and Witzeman 1975, Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998, and Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999). This report covers records mainly from the period between 1996 and 1999, but also includes some records from prior to 1996 previously not reported on by the ABC. A total of 218 reports submitted to the ABC are reported on here, with a total of 138 (63 %) accepted. Seven species were added to the official state list; these were Leach's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), Black Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma melania), Least Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma microsoma) (first physical documentation), Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus), Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva), Yellow-footed Gull (Larus livens), and Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus). This brings the total number of species recorded in Arizona to 522, which includes four species that have been accepted by the ABC, but have not been physically documented within the state: Leach's Storm-Petrel, Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus), Black Swift (Cypseloides niger), and Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo solitarius). Other highlights reported on here include acceptance of Arizona's second Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus), fifth Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomainus), second Black-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus erythropthalmus), third Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens), second Nutting's Flycatcher (Myiarchus nuttingi), first breeding Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes), third breeding Black-capped Gnatcatcher (Polioptila nigiceps), first photographed Blue-winged Warblers (Vermivora pinus), second and third photographed Prairie Warblers (Dendroica discolor), first sound recorded Fan-tailed Warbler (Euthlypis lachrymosa), first winter Rufous-capped Warblers (Basileuterus rufifrons), and Arizona's third Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). The current Arizona Bird Committee (2000) consists of Chris D. Benesh, Troy Corman, Roy M. Jones, David Krueper, Narca Moore-Craig, Gary H. Rosenberg (Secretary), Will Russell, and Mark M. Stevenson. Recent committee members who also voted on records in this report include Doug Danforth, Kenn Kaufman, Chuck LaRue, G. Scott Mills, Dave Stejskal, and Carl Tomoff. Janet Witzeman serves in a non-voting capacity as Assistant Secretary. The list of species on the ABC's review list can be found on its web page ( Included on this web site as well are the ABC's bylaws, a current list of committee members, a brief history of the ABC, the past two reports by the ABC (as published in Western Birds), a reporting form to electronically submit reports to the ABC, a selection of photographs of rarities from Arizona, and a varying selection of photographs and discussions concerning field identification topics(e.g., Black-capped Gnatcatcher). This site is a work in progress. The ABC encourages observers to submit documentation for species on the review list, as well as new species for Arizona. All material should be sent to Gary H. Rosenberg, ABC Secretary, P.O. Box 91856, Tucson, AZ 85752-1856 (e-mail The committee would like to emphasize the importance of submitting sightings directly to the ABC for review. The listing of reports, including those with written descriptions, on local "listserves" might not make it to the ABC. Only those reports submitted to the ABC, or to the regional editor of North American Birds (who turns the material on review list species over to the secretary of the ABC), will be considered by the committee. The ABC would like to thank the many observers from Arizona and from around North America who have submitted their documentation of sightings to the ABC. Each record listed below includes a locality, county (abbreviation: see below), date (span normally as published in Field Notes/North American Birds), and initial observer if known. Additional observers who submitted reports, photographs, and recordings are also listed. All records are sight records unless noted otherwise with a symbol for a photograph, sound recording, or specimen. It has not been customary for the ABC to review individuals returning for multiple years, but these dates are normally included within the accounts. The order follows the new A.O.U. Checklist (7th edition). The ABC would like to emphasize that a report listed in the "reports not accepted" section does not necessarily mean that the members of the ABC "do not believe" the observer, but simply that the documentation supplied to the committee for evaluation may not be detailed enough to substantiate the sighting as a record. The ABC's abbreviations for counties in Arizona are: APA, Apache; COS, Cochise; COC, Coconino; GIL, Gila; GRA, Graham; GRE, Greenlee; LAP, La Paz; MAR, Maricopa; MOH, Mohave; NAV, Navajo; PIM, Pima; PIN, Pinal; SCR, Santa Cruz; YAV, Yavapai; YUM, Yuma. Other nonstandard abbreviations commonly used within this report include: *, specimen; B.T.A., Boyce Thompson Arboretum; L.C.R.V., Lower Colorado River Valley; N.I.R., Navajo Indian Reservation; N.M., National Monument; N.W.R., National Wildlife Refuge; ph., photograph; P.A.P., Pinal Air Park; P.R.D., Painted Rock Dam; S.P.R., San Pedro River; S.T.P., Sewage Treatment Plant; s.r., sound recording; UA, University of Arizona; v.t., video tape.
RED-THROATED LOON Gavia stellata. A single individual was at L. Havasu City, MOH, 25 Jan 1998 (TC). There have been about ten previous accepted records for Arizona.
LEAST GREBE Tachybaptus dominicus. A single individual was at a small pond in E. Turkey Creek, Chiricahua Mts., COS, 1-2 Aug 1997 (ph. DF; see NAS Field Notes 52:101), and another was at Willcox, COS, 3 Nov1998 - 10 Jan 1999 (DM; ph. MMS). These represent the ninth and tenth state records.
LEACH'S STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Although no physical documentation was obtained, excellent written details were submitted for at least one individual seen during Tropical Storm Nora at L. Havasu City, MOH, 26 Sep 1997 (BH). This tropical storm brought unprecedented numbers of both Black and Least Storm-Petrels to L. Havasu, L.C.R.V. This sighting represents one of the few inland record for the western U.S. (see Jones 1999).
BLACK STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma melania. As many as 40 were present after Tropical Storm Nora at L. Havasu City, MOH, 26 Sep 1997, with at least three remaining there until 30 Sep 1997 (ph. TC, BGr, BH, m.ob.; Figure 1; see W. Birds 30:187). These represent the first records of this species from Arizona (see Jones 1999).
LEAST STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma microsoma . After Tropical Storm Nora aproximately 200 were present on L. Havasu, MOH, 26 Sep 1997, with several remaining there until 30 Sep (ph. TC, BGr, BH, m.ob.; * U.A.; see W. Birds 30:188). The photographs and two specimens provided the first physical documentation for this species' occurrence in Arizona; there were two previous accepted sight reports from the state (Rosenberg et al. 1991). Similar type storms have brought this species to the Salton Sea previously (see Jones 1999, Kaufman 1977).
REDDISH EGRET Egretta rufescens. Accepted records are of one at P.R.D., MAR, 24 Aug 1997 (CBa), one at Avra Valley S.T.P., PIM, 17 Jul 1998 (ph. MMS), and one at Gila Farms Pond, MAR, 10-11 Aug 1998 (ph. RMJ). This brings the total number of accepted records for the state to nine.
WHITE IBIS Eudocimus albus. One was at Nogales S.T.P., SCR, 6 Jul - 15 Sep 1999 (JSa; ph. MMS, GHR); there were five previous accepted records for Arizona.
ROSEATE SPOONBILL Ajaia ajaja. Single individuals were at Gillespie Dam, MAR, 19-22 Jul 1997 (SPe, MMS, DAl) and at Picacho Res., PIN, 25 Sep - 4 Oct1997 (DC; ph. MMS); these represent the fourth and fifth records since 1992.
ROSS'S GOOSE Chen rossii. A stunning blue morph individual of this species at Nogales, SCR, 28 Dec 1998 (MP, ph. MMS) represents the first sighting of this form in Arizona.
BRANT Branta bernicla. Three at Cornville, YAV, 6 Apr 1998 (RR; ph. RR, MMS), with one remaining until 19 Apr, represents the first report from Yavapai County; there are fewer than ten records ever for Arizona. All of the Arizona records refer to the subspecies nigricans.
WHITE-WINGED SCOTER Melanitta fusca. Accepted records are of one at Castle Rock Shores, L.C.R.V., LAP, 27 Dec 1985 (SGw), one in Tempe, MAR, 13-31 Mar 1996 (RMJ), one at Ganado L., N.I.R., APA, 28 Nov 1997 (MMS, BHo, GHR), and one at Green Valley, PIM, 3-6 Nov 1998 (RP, ph. MMS). This species is now seen in Arizona nearly annually and has been removed as a review species (Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998).
BLACK SCOTER Melanitta nigra. A single individual at Parker Dam, LAP, 1 Feb - 14 Apr 1996 (RMJ; ph. MMS) represents only a seventh record for Arizona.
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK Buteo lineatus. Accepted records are of one in s.w. Phoenix, MAR, 17 Dec 1985 (RWi), one in Tucson, PIM, 20 Feb 1997 (RH), and one in Scottsdale, MAR, 14 Apr 1998 (JBl). Although this species is reported in Arizona nearly annually, very few are properly documented (see Reports Not Accepted section); the ABC encourages observers to attempt to carefully document all sighting of this species in the state, as many of the written descriptions of Red-shouldered Hawks submitted to the committee for review fail to eliminate confusing species, such as Broad-winged Hawk.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK Buteo platypterus. Accepted records are of one at Keams Canyon, N.I.R., NAV, 23 May 1992 (CL; ph. JBu), one at Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 13 May 1994 (ph. BZ), one at Granite Creek near Prescott, YAV, 4 May 1997 (CT), and one at Cornville, YAV, 9 Apr 1998 (TL, IT). As with Red-shouldered Hawk, we receive reports nearly annually of this species, but many fail to exclude similar species, such as Red-shouldered and Gray hawks. We encourage observers to use care in identifying this species in Arizona.
SHORT-TAILED HAWK Buteo brachyurus. A dark-morph individual photographed on Miller Peak in the Huachuca Mts., COS, 31 July - 4 Sep 1999 (ph. RH; ph. GHR) established a first documented record for Arizona. A light-morph individual seen earlier at the same location 26 July – 4 Sep 1999 (RH) has been accepted as well, given that the dark bird was physically documented. There were three previous sight reports from the state (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998), and these will now be re-evaluated.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER Pluvialis dominica. One at Western Sod Farm near Arizona City, PIN, 27 Sep 1999 (RH, MMS; ph. MMS) and one in s.w. Phoenix, MAR, 16 Oct 1999 (TC) were the only accepted reports. This species will remain a review species even though it is found annually because of the difficulty in separating it from the very similar Pacific Golden-Plover.
PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER Pluvialis fulva. A single individual at Western Sod Farm near Arizona City, PIN, 6-12 Aug 1998 (RH; ph. GHe, MMS; s.r. RMJ; Figure 2) provided Arizona with its first record. This species is a regular fall visitor to the California coast, with adults and one-year-old birds arriving during the first week of August; therefore one in Arizona at that season, while unprecedented, was not unexpected. This sighting does represent one of the few non-coastal records of this species.
NORTHERN JACANA Jacana spinosa. A stunning adult at Arivaca L., PIM, 15-23 Oct 1998 (EB; ph. GHR, MMS; Figure 3) provided Arizona with its third accepted record; the previous two records were both found in June.
WANDERING TATTLER Heteroscelus incanus. A well-described individual at Tucson S.T.P., PIM, 12 Sep 1991 (BL) was only a second Arizona record; the only previous state record was found 18 Sep 1971 in Phoenix (see Witzeman 1997).
UPLAND SANDPIPER Bartramia longicauda. A single bird at Western Sod Farm near Arizona City, PIN, 16 Aug 1999 (ph. RH) provided one of only a few accepted Arizona records; interestingly, this species is regular as a fall migrant east of the Continental Divide as close to Arizona as Las Cruces, New Mexico.
POMARINE JAEGER Stercorarius pomarinus. One record of an adult at Paloma Ranch near Gila Bend, MAR, 8-12 Oct 1999 (ph. BGr, MMS; v.t. GHR). There were only four previous Arizona records.
PARASITIC JAEGER Stercorarius parasiticus. One individual on L. Havasu, MOH, during Tropical Storm Nora 26 Sep 1997 (RMJ; see Jones 1999); there are fewer than ten previous sight reports from Arizona, many of which have not been reviewed by the ABC (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998).
JAEGER SP. Stercorarius sp. A jaeger of undetermined species was at Bill Williams Arm of L. Havasu, LAP, 26 Nov 1999 (CBa); the description, while detailed enough to determine the bird to be a jaeger, was not complete enough to establish species.
LAUGHING GULL Larus atricilla. One record of an adult at Patagonia L., SCR, 13-15 Aug 1998 (GHR). There have been fewer than fifteen previous Arizona records.
MEW GULL Larus canus. Single winter individuals were at Lake Havasu City, MOH, 22 Feb 1998 (RH) and at Davis Dam, MOH, 29 Jan 1999 (JPi). Virtually all of the previous Arizona records are from the Colorado River drainage during winter.
YELLOW-FOOTED GULL Larus livens. A sub-adult bird at Wahweap, L. Powell, COC, 21-23 Apr 1999 (CL; ph. GHR, MMS; v.t. GHR; Figure 4; see NAB 53:344) provided Arizona with its first state record. Although this species is regular at the Salton Sea and at the northern end of the Gulf of California, there had been no previous sightings in the state. This bird also represented the first Utah record, and there is at least one record from Nevada (Lake Mead).
GLAUCOUS GULL Larus hyperboreus. An immature at Fisher's Landing along the L.C.R.V. n. of Yuma, YUM, 28 Nov - 29 Dec 1992 (JT) is only the third accepted record for Arizona.
BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE Rissa tridactyla. Accepted records are of one at Parker Dam, LAP, 11-19 Nov 1978 (BW) and of one adult at Willcox, COS, 15 Nov 1998 (JHa; ph. GHe). This species was more regular during the 1970's and 1980's; there have been only five sightings in Arizona since 1990.
ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea. A well-described immature from Many Farms L., APA, 19 Sep 1993 (CL) furnished only a fourth Arizona record.
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO Coccyzus erythopthalmus. An individual photographed in Pinery Canyon, Chiricahua Mts., COS, 7 Oct 1984 (ph. RHi) represents the first physically documented record for Arizona. The only other accepted record for the state was from nearby Portal on 3 Oct 1984 (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998), suggesting the possibility that both records involved the same individual.
GROOVE-BILLED ANI Crotophaga sulcirosrtis. Accepted records are of one at Buckeye, MAR, 30 Jul 1985 (TC) and of one at Lake Montezuma, COC, 24 Sep 1998 (DHo). This species is still casual in Arizona and remains on the review list.
BERYLLINE HUMMINGBIRD Amazilia beryllina. Accepted records are of one at Ramsey Canyon, COS, 29 May - 13 Jun 1998 (CMa), another there 18-20 Jul 1999 (BCa), and one at Miller Canyon, COS, 5 Jul - early Aug 1999 (MMS). In recent years this species appears to have become a regular summer visitor to feeders in the Huachuca Mts., and likely breeds in canyons such as Ramsey and Miller in small numbers. Observers need to be careful with the identification of Berylline Hummingbird because of the recent discovery of Berylline x Magnificent Hummingbird hybrids in Arizona.
PLAIN-CAPPED STARTHROAT Heliomaster constantii. One individual at Madera Canyon, SCR, 7 Jul - 31 Aug 1997 (NC; ph. MMS). There have been about 20 sightings of this Mexican species in Arizona, ten of which have been reviewed by the ABC.
LUCIFER HUMMINGBIRD Calothorax lucifer. Extralimital records away from the Portal region include one in French Joe Canyon, COS, 19 Jul 1997 (NCr), and a pair, with a female sitting on a nest in Chino Canyon, SCR, 13-20 Apr 1997 (NC,DNe; ph. MMS, GHR) providing only a second nesting report from the state. Lucifer Hummingbird, particularly females, will remain a review species for all reports away from the Portal area.
EARED TROGON Euptilotis neoxenus. Accepted records are of one along the Black River, APA, 13 Jun 1992 (DF), one in Haunted Canyon, PIN, 1 Jan - 14 Mar 1996 (DPi, MMa), and one in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 10-28 Nov 1999 (JBo; ph. JOl). The Haunted Canyon bird was in an obscure canyon near Globe that was probably never birded before, as was the Black River bird, which makes one wonder how many Eared Trogons wander around in the state without being found.
RED-HEADED WOODPECKER Melanerpes erythrocephalus. One at the P.A.P. pecan grove, PIN, 25 Oct 1997 into Apr 1998 (PS; ph. MMS) provided only a seventh documented record from the state (Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998).
EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE Contopus virens. One singing individual at Madera Canyon, SCR, 23 Jun – 20 Aug 1998 (MMS, ph. MMS, s.r. GHR, RMJ) represents only a third documented record for Arizona (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
LEAST FLYCATCHER Empidonax minimus. One well-described individual at Arivaca L., PIM, 28 Nov 1996 (NCr) represents one of the few accepted reports of this species for the state. The ABC still encourages observers to physically document all sightings of this species given the difficulty in distinguishing it from Dusky Flycatcher.
NUTTING'S FLYCATCHER Myiarchus nuttingi. A well-documented individual at Patagonia Lake State Park 14 Dec 1997 - 21 Mar 1998 (WR; ph. GHR, LSa, MMS, BZ; s.r. GHR, RMJ; v.t. CDB; Figure 5; see cover NAB 52, no. 2; see NAB 52:148) represents only the second confirmed report of this species from the United States. The only other documented occurrence was of an individual collected at Roosevelt Lake, PIN, 8 Jan 1952 (Monson and Phillips 1981). The ABC has not reviewed one mist-netted near Elgin, SCR, 15 Jul 1985, but photos published (Bowers and Dunning 1987) suggest that the bird was likely a worn Ash-throated Flycatcher. Observers are encouraged to attempt to document any report of this species in Arizona with tape recordings of voice, which are useful for acceptance by the ABC, and not rely solely on difficult to ascertain field characters, such as color of mouth lining.
WHITE-EYED VIREO Vireo griseus. The only accepted record was of one in Portal, COS, 19 Aug 1998 (GHR); there were eleven previous records for Arizona.
BELL'S VIREO Vireo bellii. A report from the confluence of the Salt and Verde rivers n.e. of Phoenix, MAR, 26 Dec 1993 (TC) represents one of the few accepted winter sightings in the state.
PHILADELPHIA VIREO Vireo philadelphicus. Accepted records are of one in French Joe Canyon, COS, 14 Apr 1996 (CCa) and of one in s.w. Phoenix, MAR, 16 Oct 1999 (TC). The April report marks the earliest report ever for spring in Arizona.
RED-EYED VIREO Vireo olivaceus. One at Kingfisher Pond along the upper San Pedro R., COS, 16 May 1997 (DK) represents the only accepted record. This species has certainly declined during the past twenty years, and, because of its similarity to Yellow-green Vireo (Terrill and Terrill 1981), it remains a review species.
YELLOW-GREEN VIREO Vireo flavoviridis. Two July reports accepted; one at Guadalupe Canyon, COS, 11 Jul 1988 (NMC; ph. MMS; s.r. CDB) and one at Patagonia, SCR, 21-24 Jul 1999 (RH, JLD, MMS). Four out of the five accepted reports from the state were discovered in late June or July (Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
BLUE JAY Cyanocitta cristata. One individual at “River Mile” 175 in the Grand Canyon, COC, 7 May 1998 (CL; ph. NBr) is the sixth record for Arizona.
CAROLINA WREN Thryothorus ludovicianus. A singing individual at Cook's Lake along the San Pedro R. near Dudleyville, PIN, 18 Jun 1999 - fall 2000 (TK, TC; ph. TC, MMS; s.r. TC, GHR, CDB) provided Arizona with its first record. This species has been expanding its range in Texas and New Mexico and was not unexpected.
WINTER WREN Troglodytes troglodytes. Although this species is not a review species, the committee did review the first summer reports from Arizona. One individual was along the W. fork of Oak Creek Canyon, COC, 25 Jun 1994 (FBr), and has been reported from there in subsequent years. Another individual was seen carrying food (presumably to a nest) along Christopher Creek, COC, 21 Jul 1999 (KN, TC). The nearest known breeding location to Arizona is northern California or northern Idaho, but a singing male has been seen in the Jemez Mts. in northern New Mexico in recent years (pers. com. BH).
BLACK-CAPPED GNATCATCHER Polioptila nigiceps. Accepted records are of two pairs in Brown Canyon, PIM, 22 Apr 1997 (NC, RT; ph. GHR, MMS; s.r. GHR; v.t. CDB; Figure 6), with at least one of the pairs attempting nesting and remaining there until Jan 1998, one male at Patagonia, SCR, 25 May 1998 (DS, RT; s.r. DS), one female in Chino Canyon, SCR, 23 Feb 1999 (RH), and a pair in California Gulch, SCR, 23-31 Jul 1999 (RH; s.r. CDB; ph., s.r. DS). This species has been an irregular breeder in Arizona, with the first record in the early 1970's (Phillips et al. 1973), and the most-recent being the late 1980's (possibly early 1990's). Extreme caution should be exhibited with regard to identification of this species in Arizona due to apparent hybridization with Black-tailed Gnatcatcher.
WOOD THRUSH Hylocichla mustelina. One bird was at Agua Caliente Park, Tucson, PIM, 25-27 Oct 1997 (WLe, MMS). There are fewer than fifteen total accepted records for Arizona.
RUFOUS-BACKED ROBIN Turdus rufopalliatus. One was in Guadalupe Canyon, COS, on the late date of 3-4 Jun 1980 (CBr), one was at Kino Springs, SCR, 14 Dec 1986 - 1 Apr 1987 (RBa), one was well north in Prescott, YAV, 10 Dec 1988 - 6 Jan 1989 (LF), one was along Sonoita Cr. below Patagonia L., SCR, 19 Dec 1992 (GH), one was netted along the San Pedro R. near Sierra Vista, COS, on the very late date of 5 Jun 1996 (ph. DK), one wintered along the San Pedro R. near Hereford, COS, 5 Dec 1998 - 2 Jan 1999 (JLe; v.r. CDB), two were at the B.T.A., PIN, 19-30 Jan 1998 (CT, m.ob.), and one was at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, PIM, 4-6 Nov 1999 (JKr; ph. MMS). This species is one of the more regular of the "Mexican" strays to occur in Arizona; the June record is the first ever summer record for the state. Rufous-backed Robin is no longer a review species.
BOHEMIAN WAXWING Bombycilla garrulus. A large count of at least 150 individuals in Flagstaff, COC, from early February into March (with one remaining to 10 Apr 1984) were photographed 15 Mar 1984 (ph. JCo, TC). To our knowledge, this is the most recent sighting of this species in Arizona.
BLUE-WINGED WARBLER Vermivora pinus. Accepted records are of one in Sycamore Canyon, SCR, 20 Dec 1998 (GSM), one along the Santa Cruz R. in Tucson, PIM, 13-28 Mar 1999 (RGr; ph. RMJ, MMS; v.t. GHR; see NAB 53:311), and one along the San Pedro R. near Hereford, COS, first seen 16 May 1999 (HKo) and later (probably the same individual) netted 17 Jul (ph. MSM; Figure 7). There were only five previous records for Arizona.
GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER Vermivora chrysoptera. An accepted report of one in Sabino Canyon, PIM, 15 Feb 1997 (CGo) provided one of the few winter records for the state. Other accepted records are of one along the San Pedro R. near Dudleyville, PIN, 18 Jun 1999 (TC) and one in Madera Canyon, SCR, 1-3 Nov 1999 (ph. MMS). This species is still considered casual in Arizona with about twenty total records.
TENNESSEE WARBLER Vermivora peregrina. Records accepted by the committee are of one along the S.P.R. s. of Charleston, COS, 24 Sep 1986(DK), one along Granite Cr. near Prescott, YAV, 1 May 1997 (CT), and one in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 24-26 May 1997 (CHo). Tennessee Warbler has now been removed from the review list.
MAGNOLIA WARBLER Dendroica magnolia. Accepted records are of one at the B.T.A., PIN, 29-30 Sep 1997 (RMJ), and one near Topock, MOH, 30 Nov 1997 (DWi). There are fewer than twenty-five total records for the state.
CAPE MAY WARBLER Dendroica tigrina. Winter still appears to be the best season to find this warbler in Arizona; records accepted are of one in Patagonia, SCR, 16 Dec 1984 (AMo), one at Fountain Hills, MAR, 22-24 Dec 1986 (RBr), and one at the Forty-Niners Country Club in n.e. Tucson, PIM, 28 Nov - 3 Dec 1998 (RH, MMS). There are still fewer than fifteen total records for Arizona.
BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER Dendroica virens. The only report submitted to the committee and accepted was of one at Portal, COS, 29 Oct 1993 (ph. DJa). This species was once thought of as regular in the state, but this record represents only the second accepted record in the state since 1990, with only a few reports not submitted to the committee.
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER Dendroica fusca. One accepted record of a male from along the S.P.R. e. of Sierra Vista, COS, 27 May 1999 (DEd). There are still fewer than twenty records for the state, about six of which have not been reviewed by the ABC.
YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER Dendroica dominica. One was at Reid Park in Tucson, PIM, 31 Oct - 7 Dec 1997 (CGr; ph. GHR, MMS) representing about a twentieth record for Arizona.
PINE WARBLER Dendroica pinus. Winter is certainly the best season to find this warbler in the state; accepted reports were of one in Reid Park in Tucson, PIM, 26 Dec 1997 - 15 Feb 1998 (ph. MMS), one along the Santa Cruz R., PIM, 5-25 Jan 1998 (RBo; ph. RH), and one at Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, PIM, 23-26 Jan 1999 (TC; ph. MMS). There were only four previously accepted records for Arizona (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
PRAIRIE WARBLER Dendroica discolor. Amazingly, one was photographed at Wahweap, Lake Powell, COC, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 1997 (ph. GHR, MMS; Figure 8), and another individual was found and photographed by the same observer the next day, 1 Dec 1997, remaining until at least 11 Jan 1998, in Tucson, PIM (ph. MMS, GHR). There was only one previous documented record for the state.
BAY-BREASTED WARBLER Dendroica castanea. The only accepted record is of one in Horseshoe Canyon, Chiricahua Mts., COS, 7 Nov 1998 (NMC). There were about ten previously accepted records for Arizona.
BLACKPOLL WARBLER Dendroica striata. One accepted record of one at Granite Reef Picnic Area along the Salt R. n.e. of Phoenix, MAR, 27 Oct 1991 (ph. SGa). A large percentage of the Arizona reports have not been submitted to the ABC.
LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH Seiurus motacilla. Accepted records are of one in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 27 Dec 1992 (CSa), one in Sycamore Canyon, SCR, late Nov 1996 - 24 Jan 1997 (RH), one along the S.P.R. near Hereford, COS, 10 Sep 1998 (DK), one in Sycamore Canyon, SCR, 1 Feb 1999 (ph. MMS), and one along Queen Creek near Superior, PIN, 7 Nov 1999 (MMS). It has been well demonstrated that this species is a rare, but regular winter visitor to rocky streams in s.e. Arizona. It has been removed as a review species by the ABC, but sketch details are still requested for inlusion in NAB.
KENTUCKY WARBLER Oporornis formosus. Accepted records are of one at Kino Springs, SCR, 28 Oct 1978 (GHR), one in Flagstaff, COC, 11 May 1997 (FBr), one in Scottsdale, MAR, 19 Nov 1997 (JBa), and one at the Roger Road Wastewater facility, Tucson, PIM, 8-15 Oct 1998 (ph. MMS). This species has been removed as a review species in Arizona, but sketch details are requested for inclusion in NAB.
MOURNING WARBLER Oporornis philadelphia. A well-described individual from Navajo, NAV, 1 Oct 1988 (DS) is the only accepted record. There are only five previously accepted records for Mourning Warbler in Arizona, only one of which has been documented with a photograph or specimen.
FAN-TAILED WARBLER Euthlypis lachrymosa. One accepted record of a singing male at Patagonia, SCR, 21-27 May 1997 (JBo, WR, BPr; s.r. DS) provided Arizona with its sixth record.
RUFOUS-CAPPED WARBLER Basileuterus rufifrons. Two winter season reports were accepted: one along the S.P.R. near Hereford, COS, 4-30 Dec 1998 (MPr; ph JBu, GHR; Figure 9) and one in lower Sycamore Canyon, SCR, 23 Dec 1998 (ph. GHR, CDB). These represent the first winter records for the state, and the ninth and tenth records overall.
SCARLET TANAGER Piranga olivacea. One breeding plumaged male at the Hassayampa River Preserve near Wickenburg, MAR, 26 Apr 1998 (EHo), and one at Paloma, MAR, 25 Oct 1998 (RMJ) were the only accepted reports. There are only fourteen accepted records for the state, with an additional eight reports not submitted to the ABC.
FLAME-COLORED TANAGER Piranga bidentata. Two accepted records of females were of one in Miller Canyon, COS, 29 May 1997 (TC), and of one nesting, and apparently mated with a Western Tanager, in Whitetail Canyon, COS, 16 May - mid-Jun 1998 (RT; ph. MMS). There have been only five previously accepted records in the state, three of which were nesting pairs. The original record of a male in April 1985 (Morse and Monson 1985) was also mated with a Western Tanager, and a hybrid male tanager at Bog Spring in Madera Canyon (1995 and 1996) showed characteristics of both Flame-colored and Western tanagers.
FIELD SPARROW Spizella pusilla. One accepted record of a bird along the S.P.R. near Hereford, COS, 12 Dec 1998 - 21 Feb 1999 (CSm, CDB, GHR; ph. MMS, GHR) provided only a third Arizona record.
LAPLAND LONGSPUR Calcarius lapponicus. Accepted records are of one near Elfrida, COS, 20 Feb - 4 Mar 1984 (AMo) and of one near Topock, L.C.R.V., MOH, 27 Nov 1999 (RMJ). This species is still considered casual in Arizona with fewer than ten accepted records in all.
RUSTY BLACKBIRD Euphagus carolinus. One accepted record of a bird seen on both sides of the Colorado R. near Ehrenberg, LAP, 24 Nov 1988 (ph. PL).
COMMON GRACKLE Quiscalus quiscula. One accepted record of one on the Salt River Indian Res., MAR, 21 Dec 1987 (RBr). This represents only an eighth accepted record for the state; a very low percentage of reports from Arizona have been submitted to the ABC.
ORCHARD ORIOLE Icterus spurius. One female remained at Fountain Hills, MAR, 2 Jan - 10 Feb 1992 (JSo, ph. SFi, PL). Additional accepted records are of one at the Phoenix Zoo, MAR, 20 - 24 Dec 1997 (RMJ; ph. RD) and of one in the Avra Valley, PIM, 31 Jan - 28 Feb 1998 (HMc; ph. MMS). As with the previous species, very few of the Arizona reports have been written up and submitted to the ABC. Orchard Oriole is still casual in the state at best, and will remain a review species.
STREAK-BACKED ORIOLE Icterus pustulatus. One well-described individual from the bottom of the Grand Canyon (RM 246), MOH, 22 Jan 1998 (CL) represented the first n. Arizona record. Critical in the identification (separating Streak-backed from immature Bullock's Oriole) was a combination of reddish-orange in the face, and a lack of orange-yellow in the tail (see Kaufman 1983 for a discussion of this complex). This record provided only a fourth accepted record of this species away from the lower S.P.R., where it has bred in the recent past.
BALTIMORE ORIOLE Icterus galbula. Accepted records are of one male in Chino Valley, YAV, 3 May 1991 (LMu), one male 6 mi. n. of Camp Verde, YAV, 29 Apr 1998 (TLi), and of another male in s.w. Phoenix 30 May - 11 Jun 1998 (RWi, RMJ). There have been very few recent reports of this species from Arizona. Due to the difficulty of separating females from Bullock's Oriole, this species will remain a review species.
RED-THROATED LOON Gavia stellata. The description of one seen at P.R.D., MAR, 13 Jan 1993, at a great distance, did not rule out Pacific Loon.
LEAST GREBE Tachybaptus dominicus. Details of one reported in Scottsdale. MAR, 16 Apr 1998 did not rule out Eared or Pied-billed Grebes.
LEACH'S STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma leucorhoa. One reported after Tropical Storm Nora from Lake Havasu, MOH, 27 Sep 1997 lacked specific details to rule out other storm-petrel species. A photograph submitted with the report was intriguing, but most committee members believed that a pale area appearing on the rump was a photographic artifact, and that the bird in the photo was likely a Black Storm-Petrel.
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON Nyctanassa violacea. An immature reported from Kino Springs, SCR, 10 Jul 1992 may have been correct, but the description was not complete enough to rule out Black-crowned Night-Heron. Furthermore, the observer was not confident of the identification, a refreshing admission!
WHITE IBIS Eudocimus albus. A brief description of two at P.R.D., MAR 23 Jul 1995 was not detailed enough for acceptance, and the sighting coincided with the presence of a Sacred Ibis there. Therefore, the committee could not rule out the possibility that the observer saw the Sacred Ibis. A report of three adults described from Mittry L. near Yuma, YUM, 26 Sep 1998 was thought by many of the committee (after two rounds) to be correct, but three members were still troubled by the lack of description of bill and leg characteristics.
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK Buteo lineatus. Single reports from near Chino Valley, YAV, 9 Jan 1990, from Picacho Res., PIN, 5 Aug 1992, from near Mayer, YAV, 21 Feb 1999, and from near Liguarta, Gila Mts., YUM, 15 Apr 1999, were all lacking specific details to eliminate confusing species.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK Buteo platypterus. An immature hawk reported from Patagonia, SCR, 2 Dec 1998 was described as lacking a "dark trailing edge border" to the wing, which committee members thought better described a Gray Hawk.
WHITE-TAILED HAWK Buteo albicaudatus. Two reports, one from near Kirkland, YAV, 30 Dec 1996, and the other from the Empire Cienega Ranch, SCR, 6 Mar 1997 were not detailed enough to accept. Due to the lack of substantiated reports this century (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998), the committee requires at least photographic evidence accompanying any report of this species.
APLOMADO FALCON Falco femoralis. A description of a falcon from n.e. of Douglas, COS, 24 Sep 1999 lacked the detail to substantiate this sighting as the first credible sighting in Arizona since 1940 (Monson and Philips 1981). As the number of valid records from New Mexico has been on the increase in recent years, it is only a matter of time until an Aplomado Falcon is indeed sighted in Arizona; the ABC encourages that any report of this species include some sort of physical documentation.
SAGE GROUSE Centrocercus urophasianus. One male reported near Globe, PIN, 15 Sep 1995 was thought perhaps to have been a raptor; the closest that Sage Grouse occurs to Arizona is central Colorado.
ELEGANT QUAIL Callipepla douglasii. An adult present for several months in a Douglas, COS, neighborhood, first seen 17 Jan 1998 was considered by the committee to likely have been an escapee. As this species ranges north to within a hundred miles of Arizona's border with Sonora, Mexico, it is possible that one could occur naturally in Arizona. But, the committee would like to see a pattern of vagrancy before accepting one as a first state (and United States) record.
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER Pluvialis dominica. The description of one reported from Willcox, COS, 16 Sep 1992 lacked sufficient detail to accept.
YELLOW-FOOTED GULL Larus livens. An adult gull with a "black" mantle was described from Willow L., YAV, 8 May 1999, but the bird was seen at a distance of at least 3000 feet; thus critical features were not seen that would eliminate other dark-mantled species.
WESTERN GULL Larus occidentalis. A juvenile or first winter gull description from Willow L., YAV, 16 Dec 1998 lacked enough critical detail to determine species, and certainly did not eliminate smithsonianus Herring Gull.
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO Coccyzus erythropthalmus. An intriguing report of one from near Carrizo, NAV, 26 May 1995 was fairly well described, but the description of the call, a series of six to eight "coo" notes, was incorrect for this species.
GROOVE-BILLED ANI Crotophaga sulcirostris. The description of one reported from Camp Verde, YAV, 2 May 1998 lacked enough detail for acceptance.
BUFF-COLLARED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus ridgwayi. A very interesting report of a nightjar on the road at night (seen in the headlights) in Guadalupe Canyon, COS, 28 Jan 1995 was perhaps this species, but the details did not rule out other nightjars (particularly Whip-poor-will) which, at times, can show a tawny collar. As this would represent a first winter record for the U.S., the ABC was unable to accept this report without more substantiation.
BERYLLINE HUMMINGBIRD Amazilia beryllina. The following reports of this species lacked sufficient detail for acceptance: one in Guadalupe Canyon, COS, 27 May 1985, one at Patagonia, SCR, 8 Jun 1985, one in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 31 Jul 1996, and one in Madera Canyon, SCR, 6 Aug 1998. It should be noted once again (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998) that virtually all Arizona records for this species are from a narrow elevation zone within the oak habitats (5000-6000 feet).
EARED TROGON Euptilotis neoxenus. The description of a trogon from open pine-oak habitat at 7000 feet in the Huachuca Mts. (exact location not mentioned!), COS, 21 May 1989 was certainly suggestive of this species, but at least three committee members believed the report was too marginal for acceptance.
YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER Empidonax flaviventris. A report of one from Spruce Mt. near Prescott, YAV, 20 Aug 1991 was not detailed enough to determine species within this difficult to identify complex of flycatchers.
LEAST FLYCATCHER Empidonax minimus. A winter report from Buenos Aires N.W.R., PIM, 19 Dec 1993 did not eliminate other Empidonax species. Another mid-winter report of a non-calling individual from Patagonia, SCR, 20 Feb 1999 had too many inconsistencies with Least Flycatcher (general shape and eye-ring shape); the committee felt that Hammond's and Dusky flycatchers were not eliminated.
NUTTING'S FLYCATCHER Myiarchus nuttingi. On the heels of a well-documented Nutting's Flycatcher from Patagonia Lake during the winter of 1997-98 (see Accepted Records section of this report), two additional reports of this species were received, one from Kino Springs, SCR, 29 Dec 1998, and the other from Patagonia L., SCR, 11 Jan 1999. In both cases, vocalizations were not described well enough (not heard in the Patagonia L. bird) to rule out Ash-throated Flycatcher. Furthermore, other observers reported an Ash-throated Flycatcher from Kino Springs during the same period that showed a tail pattern more suggestive of a Nutting's. The separation of Nutting's and Ash-throated Flycatchers is very subtle such that only well-documented (tape-recorded or extensively photographed) individuals will be acceptable to the ABC.
GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER Myiarchus crinitus. A sketchy report of this species from along the Hassyampa R. near Wickenburg, MAR, 5 Sep 1998 was felt to have not dealt properly with the range of variation within this genus; most committee members felt that Brown-crested Flycatcher was not eliminated.
GREAT KISKADEE Pitangus sulphuratus. An honest account of a strange flycatcher at the Grand Canyon, COC, 2 Aug 1995 was thought to be this species, but the description was not detailed enough to accept this report as a third Arizona record.
FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER Tyrannus savana. The description of one reported from along the S.P.R. near Dudleyville, PIN, 2 Aug 1995 lacked sufficient detail to substantiate a first Arizona record.
WHITE-EYED VIREO Vireo griseus. A report from Safford, GRA, 25 JUN 1996 did not include enough detail for acceptance.
YELLOW-THROATED VIREO Vireo flavifrons. Details of one from s. of Willcox 1 Apr 1993 were not sufficient to accept a sighting of this species reported nearly a month earlier than the next earliest record in s.e. Arizona.
BLUE-HEADED VIREO Vireo solitarius. A description of an individual reported at the time as this form from Phoenix, MAR, 8 Jan 1990 did not adequately rule out Cassin's Vireo. The committee urges extreme caution in the differentiation between these two species (see Heindel 1996).
RED-EYED VIREO Vireo olivaceus. An earlier report from Chiricahua N.M. COS, 4 Oct 1985 did not rule out other vireo species, such as Yellow-green Vireo.
YELLOW-GREEN VIREO Vireo flavoviridis. The details of one reported from Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 9 Mar 1982 were insufficient to accept a sighting in Arizona that would be far outside the span of dates of regular occurrence in the West.
BLACK-CAPPED GNATCATCHER Polioptila nigriceps. A single individual reported from Sabino Canyon, PIM, 18 Apr 1998 was well away from areas of previous occurrence, and the description did not rule out the more expected Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. Another report of one wintering in Sycamore Canyon, SCR, 26 Dec 1985 was almost certainly correct (there are accepted reports from that locality from before and after this sighting), but the details submitted did not substantiate the record. One additional report from Sycamore Canyon 4 Jun 1994 also lacked the critical detail necessary to eliminate Black-tailed Gnatcatcher or a potential hybrid between Black-capped and Black-tailed gnatcatchers. A male gnatcatcher present at Chino Canyon, SCR, from April 1995 through 1999 is suspected of being a hybrid Black-capped x Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. The head pattern of this individual is perfect for a Black-capped, but the amount of white in the tail, the bill length, and the vocalizations all appear to be intermediate between the two species. It was originally found with a female Black-capped, but was subsequently found mated with a female Black-tailed. The committee is comfortable with leaving this individual as a potential hybrid.
VEERY Catharus fuscescens. Reports of individuals at Watson Wood near Prescott, YAV, 4 Apr 1997, at Madera Canyon, SCR, 6 Apr 1997, and at the Hassayampa River Preserve near Wickenburg, MAR, 17 May 1998 all lacked sufficient detail to eliminate other species in this complex genus. There is only one physically documented record of Veery in Arizona away from historic nesting areas near Springerville in the northeast portion of the state (Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
WOOD THRUSH Hylocichla mustelina. An individual reported from Ramsey Canyon, COS, 18 May 1997 was not adequately described for acceptance.
RUFOUS-BACKED ROBIN Turdus rufopalliatus. Reports of individuals at Hereford, COS, 28 Mar 1981, at Tucson Mt. Park, PIM, 21 Dec 1988, and in Huachuca Canyon, COS, on the late date of 5 Jun 1999, were deemed likely correct, but the details supplied did not substantiate the reports. Rufous-backed Robin has been removed as a review species by the ABC, but sketch details are still requested for inclusion of reports in NAB.
BLUE MOCKINGBIRD Melanotis caerulescens. An individual seen in n.w. Tucson, PIM, 23 Sep 1992 was not accepted mainly because the observer felt it was likely an escapee, and because the observation time was so short. The committee felt it better to wait for additional early fall reports, and then perhaps re-evaluate this report.
RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus. A very intriguing report from two highly experienced observers of a "heard only" calling individual at the P.A.P. pecan grove 26 Oct 1991 was not accepted because several members of the committee (as well as the observers themselves) felt uncomfortable accepting such a rarity in the state (second state record) based on call alone. Whereas many on the committee had little doubt that the bird was correctly identified, they felt that an identification based solely on a heard call (with no visual confirmation), and the descriptions written several years after the sighting, did not constitute a record. It should be noted that the fall of 1991 was far and away the best fall ever for migrant Red-throated Pipits in California, including several found at desert "oases" such as in Kern County and Death Valley.
GRAY SILKY-FLYCATCHER Ptilogonys cinereus. An interesting report of "three" (two adults and one juv.) along Ruby Road w. of Sycamore Canyon, SCR, 10 Aug 1993 did not include enough information to accept as a first state record. Also, the brief descriptions of both the juv. and female did not support the identification.
BLUE-WINGED WARBLER Vermivora pinus. A report of one from Tempe, MAR, 14 May 1995 was deemed likely correct, but not thorough enough to accept as a record. An additional description of one near Hereford, COS, 1 May 1998 also lacked enough critical detail for acceptance.
TENNESSEE WARBLER Vermivora peregrina. Reports not accepted by the ABC are of one from Yuma, YUM, 20 Dec 1986, one from the Empire Cienega Ranch, SCR, 6 May 1993, and one from along Granite Creek near Prescott, YAV, 14 Sep 1994. This species has been removed from the ABC review list.
BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER Dendroica virens. An older report of one from Phoenix, MAR, 13 Aug 1981 did not adequately eliminate similar species such as Townsend's and Hermit warblers.
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER Dendroica fusca. A report of one in Sawmill Canyon, COS, 20 May 1999 was not detailed enough for acceptance.
WORM-EATING WARBLER Helmitheros vermivorus. One report from below Glen Canyon Dam, COC, 15 Jun 1992 was too brief for acceptance. This species has been removed as a review species.
KENTUCKY WARBLER Oporornis formosus. Two reports were not accepted, one from Beaver Dam Creek, MOH, 24 May 1997 and one from near Kirkland, MOH, 22 Jun 1997. This species is no longer a review species.
MOURNING WARBLER . Oporornis philadelphia. Given the complexities of separating Mourning and MacGilivray's warblers in the fall, a report of this species from Florida Wash, PIM, 31 Aug 1993 was felt to have lacked certain critical features necessary to substantiate it as a record.
SLATE-THROATED REDSTART Myioborus miniatus. An odd report of an individual associating closely with a juvenile Painted Redstart (that apparently wanted to be fed) in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 18 Jun 1995 lacked certain critical characters to substantiate this as a record. Perhaps not coincidentally, a researcher at the Southwest Research Station in Cave Creek Canyon was apparently coloring the white parts of Painted Redstarts in the canyon, and it was thought by some that this might have accounted for the report.
SCARLET TANAGER Piranga olivacea. A winter report from near the confluence of the Salt and Verde rivers, MAR, 10 Dec 1988 was likely correct, but the observer did not note characters to definitively separate a greenish-yellow Summer Tanager. There is only one winter season record accepted for the state (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
RED-HEADED TANAGER Piranga erythrocephala. A male of this species reported from Carr Canyon, COS, 14 May 1996 was, based on description of voice and plumage, thought by most on the committee to likely have been a one year-old Summer Tanager, with a yellow-green body and red head. Some form of physical documentation would be needed for acceptance as a first state (and United States) record.
AMERICAN TREE SPARROW Spizella arborea. Two different reports, one from near Gadsden s. of Yuma, YUM, 20 Jan 1981, and the other from Gila Farms Pond s. of Phoenix, MAR, 25 Dec 1994 were both too sketchy for acceptance. There still remains only one accepted southern Arizona record (see Rosenberg and Witzeman 1999).
FIELD SPARROW Spizella pusilla. A flock of five reported from Kitt Peak, PIM, 24 Sep 1997 clearly pertained to some other sparrow species, perhaps Chipping.
LAPLAND LONGSPUR Calcarius lapponicus. One reported from near Elfrida, COS, 4 Feb 1997 was likely correctly identified, but the details were too sketchy for acceptance.
COMMON GRACKLE Quiscalus quiscula. A report of an individual seen only in flight at a reasonable distance at Springerville, APA, 26 Jun 1994 was almost certainly correct, but given that the bird was never seen perched, the committee felt the report was best left not accepted.
ORCHARD ORIOLE Icterus spiurus. Descriptions of one at Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 24 Apr 1994 and one at Madera Canyon, SCR, 21 May 1996 were both too brief to accept as records.
BALTIMORE ORIOLE Icterus galbula. Two different reports of females lacked enough detail to eliminate the very similar Bullock's Oriole: one at Springerville, APA, 24 Sep 1985, and the other at Prescott, YAV, 19 Aug 1987.
PINE GROSBEAK Pinicola enucleator. A report of three from Sedona, YAV, 31 Jan 1998 was intriguing, but lacked enough detail for acceptance of an extralimital record of this species in Arizona. Similarly, one from Glendale, MAR, 9 Mar 1999 was not conclusive enough to accept as a first lowland record for the state.
PURPLE FINCH Carpodacus purpureus. One reported from Sedona, YAV, 1 Apr 1999 did not eliminate the similar Cassin's Finch.
The following records were inadvertently published in the previous Arizona Bird Committee reports (Rosenberg and Witzeman 1998 and 1999) as "accepted", when in fact they were not accepted by the committee. The ABC apologizes for the errors: Eurasian Wigeon at the confluence of the Salt and Verde rivers, MAR, 10 Dec 1991; Red-shouldered Hawk 16 mi s. Chino Valley, YAV, 9 Jan 1990; Red-shouldered Hawk at Picacho Res., PIN, 5 Aug 1992; Broad-winged Hawk at Barfoot Lookout, Chiricahua Mts., COS, 6 Aug 1995; Purple Gallinule at Gila Farms Pond, MAR, 1 Aug 1991; American Golden-Plover at Willcox, COS, 18 Sep 1992; Tennessee Warbler at the Empire Cienega, SCR, 6 May 1993; and Orchard Oriole in Cave Creek Canyon, COS, 24 Apr 1994.
D. Alexander, C. Babbitt, D. Bailey, J. Bartley (JBl), J. Bates, R. Bates, J. Bealer, C. D. Benesh, E. Bennett, T. Bishop, J. Bock, R. Bowers, R. Bradley, J. Braley, F. Brandt, C. Brown, M. Brown, N. Brown, K. Brunson, J. Burns, W. Cady, S. Capawana, B. Carrell, C. Cathers, J. Chace, R. Chapman, D. Clark, M. Collie, J. Coons, T. Corman, N. Crook, D. Crumb, V. Dayhoff, B. Demaree, K. Diem, R. Ditch, J. L. Dunn, D. Edwards, F. Fekel, R. Ferguson, S. Finnegan, D. Fischer, L. Frederick, S. Ganley, B. Given, S. Goldwasser, S. Goodchild, C. Gordon, C. Green, R. Grohman, B. Grossi, P. Hammerton, J. Hand, T. & J. Heindel, G. Hentz, R. Hicks, J. Hirth, C. Hohenberger, D. Hook, E. Hough, B. Howe, R. Hoyer, C. Hunter, B. Jackson, D. Jasper, B. Johnson, R. Jones, C. Kangas, B. Kerr, C. Kolesar, H. Koons, T. Koronkiewicz, J. Krebs, J. Kreitzer, D. Krueper, C. LaRue, P. Lehman, W. Leitner, J. Levine, T. Linda, R. Long, B. Lyon, M. Mammoser, C. Marrantz, B. McAneny, L. McCloskey, A. McCready, H. McCrystal, V. Miller, G. S. Mills, S. Mlodinow, G. Monson, A. Moorhouse, N. Moore-Craig, D. Morrison, P. Moulton, L. Muelbach, G. Nation, D. Nelson, K. Newlon, P. Norton, J. Oldenettel, J. Owen, R. Palmer, J. Paris, D. Pearson, S. Peterson, D. Pierce, L. Piest, J. Pike, B. Pranter, M. Pretti, J. Price, B. Principe, R. Radd, G. H. Rosenberg, R. Ray, W. Russell, J. Saba, P. Salomon, C. Sandell, M. SanMiguel, L. Sansone, M. Sennett, C. Sherman, J. Simon, C. Smith, M. Sogge, J. Sommers, D. Stejskal, M. M. Stevenson, B. Sutton, D. Taylor, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, B. Thomen, I. Tolinson, C. Tomoff, M. Vandzura, J. Whetstone, B. Whitney, D. Wight, R. Witzeman, B. Wotten, B. Zimmer.
I would like to thank the many observers who submitted their sightings to the ABC for review; Arizona ornithology has benefited greatly from their efforts. Chris Benesh, Roy Jones, Narca Moore-Craig, Mark Stevenson, and Janet Witzeman all contributed greatly to the improvement of the manuscript.
American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds, 7th ed. Am. Ornithol. Union, Lawrence, KS.
Bowers, R., and Dunning, J. B. 1987. Nutting's Flycatcher in Arizona. Am. Birds 41:5-10.
Heindel, M. 1996. Field identification of the Solitary Vireo complex. Birding 28:458-471.
Jones, R. M. 1999. Seabirds carried inland by tropical storm Nora. W. Birds 30:185-192.
Kaufman, K. 1977. The changing seasons. Am. Birds 31:141-152.
Kaufman, K. 1983. Identifying Streak-backed Orioles: a note of caution. Am. Birds 37:140-141.
Monson, G., and Phillips, A. R. 1981. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Arizona, second edition. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, Arizona.
Morse, R., and Monson, G. 1985. Flame-colored Tanager in Arizona. Am. Birds 39:843-844.
Phillips, A. R., Speich, S., and Harrison, W. 1973. Black-capped Gnatcatcher, a new breeding bird for the United States; with a key to the North American species of Polioptila. Auk 90:257-262.
Rosenberg, G. H., and Stejskal, D. 1994. The Arizona Bird Committee's Field Checklist of the Birds of Arizona. Arizona Bird Committee.
Rosenberg, G. H., and Witzeman, J. L. 1998. Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 1 (Nonpasserines). W. Birds 29 (199-224).
Rosenberg, G. H., and Witzeman, J. L. 1999. Arizona Bird Committee Report, 1974-1996: Part 2 (Passerines). W. Birds 30 (94-120).
Rosenberg, K. V., et al. 1991. Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, Arizona.
Speich, S., and Parker, T. A. 1973. Arizona Bird Records, 1972. W. Birds 4:53-57.
Speich, S. M., and Witzeman, J. L. 1975. Arizona Bird Records, 1973, with Additional Notes. W. Birds 6:145-155.
Terrill, S. B., and Terrill, L. 1981. On the field identification of Yellow-green, Red-eyed, Philadelphia, and Warbling Vireos. Cont. Birdlife 2:144-149.
Witzeman, J., Demaree, S., and Radke, E. 1997. Birds of Phoenix and Maricopa County, Arizona. Maricopa Audubon Society, Phoenix. | ||